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Unleashing the power of performance testing

As a crucial part of software development, performance testing determines how responsive, stable, and scalable an application is under various workloads. It helps identify bottlenecks, establish performance baselines, and ensure the system meets predefined performance criteria. The primary goal is to deliver a seamless user experience by minimizing response times, maximizing throughput, and optimizing resource utilization. Performance testing encompasses several types, including load, stress, endurance, and spike testing, each targeting specific aspects of an application’s performance.

How can StrongBox IT’s performance testing help?

  1. Expedite performance testing: Begin your journey towards accurate performance testing in just a few hours.
  2. Streamline testing efforts: Cut down performance testing efforts by 50% and save up to 40% using a comprehensive performance testing framework.
  3. Minimize defect leakage: Attain a defect leakage rate of under 3% to ensure high-quality software performance.

Encryption-in-use is a security measure designed to safeguard data during its active use. It ensures that data remains encrypted even during processing or analysis, making it unreadable to unauthorized individuals without the encryption key. Unlike traditional encryption methods that only protect data during transmission (encryption-in-transit) or storage (encryption-at-rest), encryption-in-use adds an extra layer of security against theft or hacking. As cyber threats and data breaches continue to escalate, it has become crucial for businesses to employ every possible measure to protect their data.

Best practices from own reliable testers

StrongBox IT employs cutting-edge methodologies and tools to ensure exceptional software quality. Our goal is to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement; we place a high priority on collaboration. Early-stage identification and mitigation of risks, as well as performance optimization, are some of the things our testers excel at. We deliver reliable, secure, high-performance software solutions. In addition, our testers help clients prevent and address potential threats by analysing data meticulously and communicating clearly with them while maintaining the highest standards of quality and performance at the same time.

These are some of the best practices followed:

Shift left Testing

Performance testing on the left means errors can be detected earlier, designs are created, code is created, bottlenecks are eliminated, and test coverage is increased to exceed business requirements, making performance testing more efficient. This results in a smoother and faster user experience, increasing customer satisfaction and improved business performance. Performance testing also ensures the system’s scalability and reliability, making it future-proof.

Continuous performance evaluation

It is essential to test at each stage of development with the objective of ‘Fail Fast’ to identify performance issues as new features are developed as quickly as possible. This allows developers to immediately address potential issues and prevent them from becoming larger problems. Testing also provides feedback to developers and helps them make data-driven decisions to improve the product. This type of testing can help prevent costly mistakes and save time and money. Additionally, testing can help ensure that the product meets customer expectations and is up to industry standards.

Planning for Capacity

The infrastructure of the system should be planned. Careful consideration should be given to the resources needed and the anticipated growth. It is important to plan for the scale and flexibility of the system to ensure that the business can maintain a competitive edge. The system should be optimized to meet current and future business needs. Regular reviews and maintenance should be conducted to ensure that the system remains current with the latest technologies. Regular testing should be done to ensure quality and reliability. Adjustments should be made to ensure the system can always meet the company’s needs. Investment in the system should be a priority to ensure it remains efficient and effective. Staff should receive regular training to ensure they are using the system correctly.

Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation based on domain-wide key performance indicators (KPIs). This allows employers to measure the performance of different teams, departments, and individual employees. It also helps identify improvement areas and develop strategies for achieving organizational goals. In doing so, you establish a culture that encourages accountability, encourages employee engagement, and drives better results. It also provides employers with valuable insights into their organization’s performance and helps them focus on the areas that need the most improvement.

Monitoring efficiency

  1. Boost the security posture and defence capabilities of the cloud. Automate tasks to improve the flow of processes. Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Reduce costs and increase the availability of resources.
  2. Ensure the viability of the business. Improve the customer experience. Enhance customer data protection. Develop a secure and agile infrastructure. Monitor the security posture of the cloud. Identify and address potential security threats. Implement measures to ensure the security of data.
  3. Identify your company’s risks before they negatively impact the bottom line. Ensure that security solutions are in place to reduce the risk of data breaches. Regularly review and update security protocols and processes. Monitor and respond to security incidents quickly.


Taking proactive steps to protect your company from cyber threats is essential for success. Investing in the right security solutions and having a comprehensive plan in place can help to minimize risks and ensure the safety of your data. Most importantly, stay vigilant and actively monitor for security incidents. Performance testing is one of the services that StrongBox IT can provide for you. A team of experts can help you assess your system’s vulnerabilities and advise on the best security solutions. They can also help you design and implement a comprehensive plan for protecting your data. Finally, they can monitor and maintain your security systems to ensure your data is always safe.


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